If you are here, it is because you are either considering dental implant surgery or because your dentist has recommended it. 

Whatever the case may be, you probably already know that dental implants are the best solution to the loss of natural teeth. This is because: 

  • They strengthen our self-esteem and help to restore our quality of life. 
  • They help us to eat comfortably and correctly, which influences the proper functioning of our digestive system and our general well-being. 
  • They are very similar to the natural tooth root, which results in a natural and very comfortable result. 

In this article you will find answers to all your questions: what to do before surgery, what will happen during surgery and what to do after surgery to keep your implants healthy and strong. 

Before your dental implant surgery: everything you need to know 

Let’s start at the beginning: what is a dental implant? 

What is a dental implant? 

A dental implant is a screw-shaped piece that serves as a support for the dental prosthesis and will help you to recover a lost teeth. 

For its placement, the professional will choose the appropriate implant or implants based on the particularities of the case and the needs of the patient. 

Many studies have shown that implants with a rougher surface have an increased ability to integrate into the gum, which shortens treatment times and allows patients to show off their new smile much sooner.  

That is why, in Ziacom, all our implants are treated in such a way that their roughness accelerates their integration into your gums and makes it possible to progress with the treatment more quickly. 

Do I need to take any measures before surgery? 

The factor that most influences the success of implant surgery is dental hygiene. Therefore, to ensure that your mouth is as clean as possible for the surgery, it is recommended that a dental hygienist performs a thorough cleaning of the entire cavity a few weeks beforehand. 

Afterwards, to maintain good hygiene, we recommend brushing each and every tooth separately, especially those closest to the area to be treated. 

Other advice: 

  • Clean thoroughly, in addition to teeth, gums, cheeks and tongue 
  • If you are going to be sedated, you will have to come to the surgery fasting. If the anaesthesia is local, it is preferable that you eat something easily digestible. 
  • Choose your clothing with comfort as a priority; you do not want any other discomfort or worries during the procedure.  
  • Take a person with you. Not only to help you get home, but also because it can be very useful to have him or her attend to your doctor’s further instructions when you most likely cannot give them your full attention. 
  • If you need to calm down before surgery, do it naturally (exercise, controlled breathing…). 
  • Know your allergies. Although some allergic reactions are predictable, easy to diagnose and simple to treat, there are others that can compromise the outcome of treatment and lead to implant rejection. For this reason, it is important that you know if you have any allergies so that your dentist can take the appropriate steps to treat you. The MELISA test is the only scientifically validated test to detect any metal allergy. 

During dental implant surgery: What will happen in the cabinet? 

In case the procedure you will undergo has not been explained to you yet, we are going to tell you, step by step, how an implant is placed: 

  1. First, the doctor makes an incision in the area of the gum where we want to replace the tooth.
  2. Then, with the help of a surgical drills, the bone is prepared for the subsequent insertion of the implant.
  3. When the hole is ready, the implant is inserted.
  4. Once the implant is in place, the incision is closed so that it can be integrated into the gum and bone.
  5. Subsequently, the abutment and the dental prosthesis will be placed, which will complete the treatment.

What to do after dental implant surgery? Here are some tips 

For dental implant treatment to work properly, special attention must be paid to the postoperative period. That is why we are going to give you some tips on how to take care of your implants properly. 

  • Do not touch the area for at least 24 hours after surgery, but after 24 hours you can (and should) start brushing your teeth as usual after every meal, preferably with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Conscientious and thorough oral hygiene is essential to ensure the long-term survival of implants. 
  • Keep your check-ups. They are essential for your dentist to check your progress and make sure you are doing well. 
  • For inflammation, you can apply a cold compress or some ice, and for bleeding, place a dry gauze pad over the area and bite it to keep it still. 
  • Avoid eating and drinking for at least the first 2 hours after surgery, or at least until the anaesthetic has worn off completely. After that, it is best to follow a soft diet.   
  • Do not smoke or drink alcohol for months after surgery. 
  • Avoid strenuous physical exercise for at least one week after the operation, as well as sudden changes in pressure.  

Although dental implant surgery is simple and risk-free for the patient, having all the information about the process will make your treatment much more manageable and give you all the tools you need to cope with each step. 

Don’t forget that, although your implants are not dental pieces, they require the same care as dental pieces to maintain their high survival rate. 

In addition to cleaning your mouth after every meal, focusing on brushing your teeth, walls and tongue, take into account the following indications: 

  • Rinse with mouthwash. 
  • Use dental floss to remove bacterial plaque accumulation in areas that are difficult for the toothbrush to reach. 
  • Change your toothbrush every 3 months. 
  • See your dentist regularly. 
  • Have at least one professional dental cleaning a year. 

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