ZIACOM, on the cutting edge of technological advances in implantology, introduces the new Ti-Base ZiaCam range, the latest technology in interfaces that will benefit restorative and prosthetic devices for restorations that are adapted to the needs of each patient.

Its anatomically optimized design facilitates tissue maintenance and supports rehabilitation in the most challenging clinical cases, characterized by a compromise of the anteroposterior and mesiodistal dimensions of the edentulous ridges.

Likewise, the gaps along the surface of its structure provide greater mechanical retention of the cement, guaranteeing an optimum bond.

The nitrided surface of Ti-Base ZiaCam’s ELI HT grade 5 titanium nitride surface provides translucency to the prosthetic treatment, guaranteeing highly aesthetic transitions that provide the prosthesis with naturalness.

Using the versatility of Ti-Base ZiaCam, professionals can select the manufacturing process of their choice: injection moulding, casting or CAD-CAM technology, while reducing laboratory working time by not requiring polishing.

Ti-Base ZiaCam is the best solution for single or multiple prostheses, direct to implant or transepithelial, and is available for a variety of prosthetic platforms.

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