Your smile is an essential part of how others see you. Your smile says a lot about you. It is part of your character. 

Healthy, well-maintained teeth make you feel more attractive and help to boost your self-esteem. Good dentition also enables you to chew properly, aiding your digestive system and general health. 

Because of this, good dental health makes you feel better, healthier and, accordingly, happier. 

Behind the loss of a tooth there is always a story – an accident or degenerative process, and the consequences are functional, aesthetic and psychological. 

At ZIACOM®, we specialise in dental implant technology. For more than 15 years we have been developing treatments to help all users of our products recover their health, welfare and quality of life. In short, to get their smiles back. 

What is an implant? 

Dental implants are screw-shaped components used to hold dental prostheses. They are made of titanium, a biocompatible material with a very high success rate against rejection 

ZIACOM® dental implants are specially coated with homogeneous porosity, making their surface similar to that of human bone, favouring greater quality and speed of adaptation and better integration with the underlying bone structure. 

Recovering lost smiles 

Before fitting an implant, the dental professional will carry out a detailed, personalised study of the patient’s case history and conduct a series of clinical and radiological tests to gain a precise understanding of the morphology and quantity of the bone at the site of the implant. 

Dental implant treatment may be used to replace a single tooth, several teeth or an entire dental arch. When a row of teeth is missing, it is not necessary to fit an implant for each missing tooth. In this case, the dental professional will decide how many implants are required, based on the quantity and quality of the available bone. 

The dental professional will evaluate a range of surgical techniques, talking them through with the patient and choosing the best option for each case. 

Prosthetic options 

 Once the crown has a fixed support to hold it in place, a dental prosthesis is fitted to replace the missing tooth. 

The dentist, working with a prosthetic technician, will select the best prosthetic material and option for each case. 

At ZIACOM®, we offer zirconium on dental implants made using our ZIACOR® CAD-CAM technique for full or partial dental rehabilitation with total accuracy and precise fit. 

Fixed prostheses 

The solution that best imitates natural teeth. Prostheses are attached permanently to a number of implants determined by the orthodontic specialist. 


 The best option in removable dentures, commonly known as false teeth. The denture is attached to a small number of implants and stabilised using stud or ball attachments. This system offers greater comfort while speaking and chewing but must be removed for cleaning. 

Single-tooth crown on implant 

A reliable, aesthetic alternative to the traditional dental bridge, causing less wear on adjoining teeth. 

How should I take care of my implants? 

Whether or not you use dental implants, good daily dental hygiene is essential to prevent tooth loss, tooth and gum disease and other oral problems. 

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