Home > Ziacom world > Interviews > Interview with Dr. Luis Cuadrado: uses and benefits of Di²gital Arch

Dr. Luis Cuadrado de Vicente, designer of the digital impression system Di²gital Arch in collaboration with Ziacom, tells us first-hand what this revolutionary system consists of, how it works and what are its applications and benefits within the dental practice. 

What is the Di²gital Arch system?

The Di²gital Arch system are structures that we are going to place in the mouth; one is a mini-implant that we can leave placed in the maxilla throughout the patient’s treatment, not only in the immediate loading of the day, but also for the definitive loading and the other is a removable fixed, a structure that we place with an osteosynthesis screw and a Scanbody and it acts as a reference. 

In other words, it is a fixed element that we can place freely in the jaw and that allows us to treat a totally edentulous patient with absolute precision in different situations. 

What is the ideal use of this system?

The Di²gital Arch system is designed for the Full Digital treatment of the total edentulous and comprises a series of protocols designed to deal with any clinical situation of the patient. 

With this digital impression system, we aim to treat the patient in a predictable, simple and reproducible way, so that any dentist in any clinic can treat the patient without major complications. 

What is the differentiating factor of Di²gital Arch?

Intraoral scanning is based on the use of the fixed elements of the patient’s mouth at the time of scanning, normally dental pieces, restorations or any other element that is not mobile. However, there is a large group of patients, perhaps the largest, in which these fixed references do not exist, and the only way to be able to match the different files that we need to make that Full Digital immediately loaded prosthesis on the day is to have a fixed structure that can be reproduced in the same position in the different scans. This is where Di²gital Arch and Ziacom come in, with whom we have developed and manufactured the product to make it available to anyone who wants to use it for predictable Full Digital immediate arch treatment. 

What are the benefits of the Di²gital Arch system?

Perhaps the biggest benefit is the fact it is something new.  

This product does not exist worldwide, it is something completely new, and it is very difficult in dentistry to find something absolutely new, studied and predictable. 

Another great benefit is that it allows the treatment of the total edentulous in different situations and in an exact way, as well as to solve situations that otherwise we could not. 

I believe that this Ziacom product is going to be warmly welcomed by the entire dental profession, both by implantologists who perform Full Digital immediate loading in total edentulous patients and, especially, by dental laboratories, as making life easier for the dental laboratory is essential to be able to work with precision, to make treatments very predictable, aesthetically and functionally correct, and, above all, to make them fast, on the same day. 


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