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Making the experience of your patients in the clinic a pleasant and satisfying moment is especially important in dentistry, as there are many people who experience stress when they go to the dentist. One of the keys to achieving this is to connect with the patient’s emotions and use them to enhance their positive feelings. 

This is where neuromarketing comes in, a branch of neuroscience that, when applied to the dental sector, it studies the behaviour of patients’ brains in order to understand their reactions and emotions when faced with certain stimuli so that the professional can act on them. 

With the help of dental neuromarketing, you can positively influence patients’ moods and decision-making, which makes it a powerful tool for the dentist. 

How to apply neuromarketing in dentistry through the senses

For neuromarketing to be effective, it is essential that you know your patients and care about their emotions (what they need to feel comfortable, if going to the dentist makes them anxious, what they are afraid of or feel a certain respect for…).  

However, there are several steps you can take to work on neuromarketing through the senses even before you get to know your patients: 

  • Ambient music. Depending on the atmosphere chosen, you will promote different sensations in your patients. While inappropriate background music or absolute silence can generate distrust and uneasiness, soft or instrumental melodies help to relax the patient. 
  • The power of scent. The sense of smell is one of the most effective at eliciting emotions (in fact, it is responsible for triggering 75% of emotions), and is strongly linked to memory and recall. Therefore, as well as helping you to evoke positive emotions in your patients’ brains, you can also use the scent of your clinic to link it to your practice and, in this way, make it distinctive and differentiate it from the others. 
  • Take care of the decoration. Obviously, every room should offer maximum comfort to the patient, but it should also inspire confidence at a glance. The days of pristine white and aseptic clinics are long gone, soft colours and the use of natural materials help to relax patients, as they simulate the spaces belonging to their comfort zone. 
  • Keep an eye on the temperature. It is important that the different areas of your clinic are not either excessively hot or cold. Although the temperature will vary according to the season, ideally it should be around 23º. 

How to apply neuromarketing in dentistry through emotions 

Applying neuromarketing in dentistry through the senses is just the first steps; as we mentioned before, the most important thing to instil peace of mind in patients is always customised attention and close treatment, which is known as emotional dentistry. 

What does emotional dentistry involve? 

  • Active listening. Listening is the basis of all dialogue, and thanks to it, the patient will feel comfortable enough to tell you their problem, as well as their questions or concerns, which is essential to provide them with the best service and care. 
  • Emotional intelligence. A team with professional skills is an essential requirement in any dental clinic, but emotional intelligence is just as important. It is not enough to listen to the patient, it is necessary to recognise their emotions and know how to deal with them. 
  • Intrapersonal and interpersonal skills. In line with emotional intelligence is the ability of the dentist to recognise their own emotions and manage them professionally, as well as their ability to work in a team and foster the good atmosphere necessary in any dental clinic to enhance the sense of tranquillity of the patient. 

Making your patients feel pleased goes far beyond having an excellent structure or having the latest technology in equipment for your practice: the key is to make them remember their experience in your clinic so positively that they not only decide to trust you to take care of their oral health, but also want to recommend you to their nearest and dearest. 

To achieve this, you can rely on personalised attention, emotional dentistry and neuromarketing, and you will not only improve the trust and loyalty of your patients, but also the results and reputation of your clinic will also be enhanced. 

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