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Several doctors who collaborate with Ziacom Medical tell us why they have decided to trust Ziacom and its products and services to develop the daily activity in their clinics.  

Luis Cuadrado: specialist in Stomatology and Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery 

What benefits do Ziacom products bring to your daily work in the clinic? 

Luis Cuadrado: We at the clinic try to use those products that make our daily work easier and that give us a predictable result. 

Ziacom has an implant, the Galaxy implant to be precise, which is the one we usually use, which provides excellent immediate mechanical stability and great ease of placement. It is a very flexible implant and the ISQ, the bone contact index, is always very high.  

For us, it is an ideal implant for immediate loading, which is one of our specialities in the clinic, together with Full Digital treatment and, in my opinion, it is the future of dentistry and in that Ziacom undoubtedly takes a leading position. 

Nowadays there are a lot of products of all kinds, so we try to select those that really add value to the treatment, so we are pleased to collaborate with Ziacom and very happy to place the Galaxy implant. 

Maher Atari: specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery


Why did you choose Ziacom as your brand of reference? 

Maher Atari: At the beginning I received a lot of proposals from different companies in the sector, but I saw project of Ziacom and I found it an exciting project and with an interesting strategy. In addition, the attention, the seriousness and the leadership of the company also contributed to my decision to choose Ziacom.  

David Suárez Quintanilla: Specialist in Stomatology and Orthodontics 

What differentiates Ziacom from other implantology solutions companies in your opinion? 

David Suárez Quintanilla: Ziacom is a Spanish multinational company, an unquestionable reference, a fresh company.  

I think that, when you want to see how a company works, you have to meet its president, its CEO, and see Alejandro del Valle with that eagerness to grow and that desire to work… Companies need the drive of young people, who look to the future, and Ziacom is a company that is especially focused on the future. 

Eduard Ferrés Amat: specialist in Implantology, Periodontics, Regeneration and Implant-supported Prostheses

eduard ziacom expodental

What made you choose Ziacom as your reference brand?  

Eduard Ferrés: First of all, it was a personal connection with the people who work at Ziacom, who have treated us all wonderfully well; you can see that there is a great human team behind Ziacom, and that is comforting. If you also add that the product is excellent, there is not much more to say. 

We are delighted to work with Ziacom because the product is outstanding, and the treatment and quality of the people who come to see us, with whom we deal on a daily basis, is excellent.   

It is a pleasure to work with a company like Ziacom because we see that it has a soul and that there is something more behind selling an implant or a product; it is also the human side of the company, which is also very important, which encourages us to continue working with Ziacom. 

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