Home > Ziacom world > Interviews > Dr. David Suárez Quintanilla: DSQ Orthodontic Microimplants

Dr. David Suárez Quintanilla, designer and developer of DSQ microimplants for orthodontic treatments, together with Ziacom, tells us first-hand the role of microimplants in dentistry and what differentiates DSQ microimplants from others on the current market. 

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Why are microimplants so important in dentistry?

We have been using microimplants at the University of Santiago de Compostela, as well as privately, for more than twenty years and we have always seen that microimplants are an extraordinary tool. 

Nowadays, with the improvement of fixed techniques, but especially with the appearance of aligners, removable appliances, etc., microimplants are an essential tool, especially for: one, pre-prosthetic orthodontics; two, the treatment of important malocclusions, such as open bites with aligners; and three, as an anchorage method. 

Furthermore, they have been simplified, they have become more affordable… and all these are advantages. 

I think all orthodontists should use them. They have to know that it is something really simple; a one-day course is enough to learn it. 

david suárez

What do DSQ Ziacom microimplants bring to the current microimplant market? 

What we have done is to try to take a step forward to differentiate ourselves from many other microimplants. 

Basically, there are two large groups of microimplants in the world: those of proven quality which, in particular, those that have elements to control where the microimplant comes from, and then a countless number of microimplants, especially of stainless steel of questionable provenance, which people only buy based on their price. 

At Ziacom, with the DSQ, we have combined quality, in this case titanium number five, with a revolutionary and high-quality design and versatile heads. 

We have also colour-coded them to make it extremely easy to identify the microimplant when we are working in the mouth. In addition, they have systems for biomechanics, both for fixed appliances and special aligners, and we are now developing all of this to introduce it to children and younger people. 

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