Home > Information for the professional > Dental implants > Disassembling the Di²gital Arch digital impression system

Di²gital Arch is a revolutionary digital impression system designed by Dr. Luis Cuadrado de Vicente in collaboration with Ziacom that guarantees maximum simplicity and precision in implant treatments. 

This system is a revolutionary tool for dentistry as it acts as a fixed reference structure that aids alignment and overlay the scan obtained using an intraoral scanner in different clinical situations of the same patient. 

Di²gital Arch: 2 systems

Di²gital Arch features 2 systems: 

  • 1. 0 Removable.

It consists of the Di²gital Arch 1.0 fixation screw and the Scanbody ZiaCam Di²gital Arch 1.0. 

While the Di²gital Arch 1.0 fixation screw serves as a reference to align the virtual models from the intraoral scan of the same patient and thus recreate the clinical condition prior to dental treatment, the Scanbody ZiaCam Di²gital Arch 1.0 aligns the different digital files taken with the intraoral scanner. 

  • 2.0 Fixed – Removable.

Consists of the Di²gital Arch 2.0 microimplant and the ZiaCam Di²gital Arch 2.0 Scanbody. 

The Di²gital Arch 2.0 microimplant allows the same reference structure to be maintained when aligning the various virtual models taken during the various stages of treatment in the CAD software. It also recreates the conditions prior to the surgical or prosthetic procedure and aids the preparation of the provisional or final prostheses. 

Indications for use of Di²gital Arch 

This digital system is especially designed for the immediate full digital treatment of the edentulous patient, as it allows to treat this type of patient in a predictable, simple and reproducible way. 

Thanks to the references established by the fixation screw, the microimplant and the Scanbody, no other fixed references in the patient’s mouth are necessary when taking the impression, which makes the subsequent matching of the digital files obtained in different scans a quite simple task. 

The process also facilitates the production of the full digital immediately loaded prosthesis on the same day. 

Di²gital Arch is also indicated for taking impressions for: 

  • Copying previous clinical situations to transmit the patient’s aesthetic and function in cases of partial or full exodontia. 
  • Mock-up copying and tooth morphology wax-up for crowns, veneers and bridges on natural teeth. 
  • Copying of provisional prostheses to the working file to create the final prosthesis. 
  • Copying in implant rescue procedures. 
  • Copying of dentures: partial, total, fixed and removable. 

See the complete Di²gital Arch digital impression system catalogue 

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