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DSQ orthodontic implants are designed to satisfy the needs of the most demanding professionals.

At Ziacom® we are committed to innovation and the development of new dental technologies that facilitate surgery, implantology and orthodontic processes. For this reason, we have worked with Dr. Suárez Quintanilla, one of the leading specialists in orthodontics at international level, to jointly develop the DSQ orthodontic micro-implants.

The experience of David Suárez Quintanilla together with the R+D+i team of Ziacom, have allowed us to create a unique Orthodontic implant, manufactured in high quality Titanium grade 5 ELI Ti 6Al 4V.

DSQ implants are characterised by their retentive zone with a round head that prevents tissue laceration and have a slot for retaining accessories such as wires, metal ties, elastic modules, chains or springs used in orthodontics. Its conical body with self-tapping spiral provides great stability and its self-drilling tip facilitates insertion into the bone without the need for drills.

In addition, with the aim of always achieving excellence in our products, DSQ implants have been designed in different sizes of head, neck and thread, allowing the best adaptation to the needs of each professional and each treatment.

The design of the DSQ is focused on making it easier for the professional to carry out the treatment. Therefore, in the surgical box, the orthodontist will find the implants located by colour and ordered by size and characteristics, according to the specifications required by each specific clinical case.

The box also includes an insertion tool with an ergonomic insertion handle, designed for different hand sizes, which aids in the insertion and removal of implants, eliminating the use of drills and any other rotary instrument.

All this is accompanied by a surgical procedure manual, with specifications of instruments, assembly, insertion and removal, which will guide the orthodontist during the surgery.

Based on these characteristics and thanks to the experience of Dr. Suárez Quintanilla, Ziacom has developed two types of DSQ implants: the DSQ CR, with intra-alveolar anchorage system and the DSQ ST with extra-alveolar anchorage system.


DSQ CR intra-alveolar anchorage system

DSQ CR micro-implants have been designed as temporary intra-alveolar anchorage devices in orthodontic treatments for a period not exceeding 12 months.

The DSQ CR implant is particularly recommended for:

  • Mesialisation and distalisation of premolars and molars
  • Intrusion of posterior molars for control of posterior vertical dimension
  • Intrusion of incisors in cases of overbite and decreased vertical dimension
  • Incisive extrusion in cases of open bite
  • Individual handling of teeth in all three planes (intrusion, extrusion, vestibularisation, palatalisation or lingualisation)
  • Traction of teeth included


DSQ CR applications

DSQ CR implants are particularly useful for treatment of the superior maxilla, especially on the vestibular or palatal side of the alveolar process. They can also be applied in the area of the anterior nasal spine, the canine fossa or the anterior and middle palate.

They are also very useful to perform on the mandible, as they can be applied on the alveolar process in the vestibular area, although care must always be taken in the premolar and molar areas and nearby anatomical structures.


DSQ ST extra-alveolar anchorage system

The DSQ ST micro-implants have been designed as extra-alveolar temporary anchorage devices in orthodontic treatments aimed at limiting movements in one or more teeth or in the arch.

The DSQ ST micro-implant also stands out for its great versatility in the treatment of:

  • Retrusion of the incisor or incisor-canine group both maxillary and mandibular
  • Mesialisation and distalisation of premolars and molars
  • Extrusion of posterior molars for control of posterior vertical dimension
  • Incisive extrusion in cases of open bite
  • Individual handling of teeth in all three planes (intrusion, extrusion, vestibularisation, palatalisation or lingualisation)
  • Traction of teeth included

DSQ ST applications

DSQ ST micro-implants can also be used in the superior maxilla. They can also be placed in the maxillary tuberosity, in the zygomatic process and in the canine fossa, omitting the palatal area.

Regarding treatment of the mandible, the DSQ ST is particularly important in the vestibular bone area. Thanks to its length, it can be placed in the ascending branch of the mandible, the retromolar area, the external oblique line and the mandibular symphysis.

In conclusion, the multipurpose design of DSQ implants allows treatments that were previously unthinkable, adapting to the needs of each case and enabling the orthodontist to obtain great results in complex orthodontic cases with the placement of a single removable implant.

The exhaustive work carried out jointly by Ziacom and Doctor Suárez Quintanilla has resulted in an orthodontic implant designed for the most demanding professionals who are committed to quality and guaranteed success in their treatments. An implant that is already an essential tool for orthodontists.

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