Home > Ziacom world > Events > Expodental 2022: the beginning of a new stage for Ziacom

During the 24th, 25th and 26th of March, we were in IFEMA Madrid taking part in the new edition of Expodental, a long-awaited edition by professionals and companies of the dental industry from all over the world after the cancellation, as a consequence of the pandemic, which should have been celebrated in 2020.

Stand in Expodental of Ziacom

For Ziacom it has been a particularly special edition, as Expodental has been the stage chosen by us to present the significant changes that mark the beginning of a new phase in the company’s trajectory: a new corporate identity and a new brand positioning with which to project the Ziacom company into the international market.

Ziacom Medical at Expodental

We also took advantage of the important focus of Expodental to present some of our main novelties of product together with great professional collaborators of Ziacom: Dr. Luis Cuadrado de Vicente, Dr. Maher Atari, Dr. Eduard Ferrés Amat and Dr. David Suárez Quintanilla.

Dr. Luis Cuadrado de Vicente and the digital printing system Di²gital Arch

Dr. Luis Cuadrado de Vicente, specialist in Stomatology and Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, presented our new digital printing system Di²gital Arch.

This revolutionary system works as a fixed reference structure to facilitate the alignment and superimposition of virtual files obtained by intraoral scanner in different clinical situations of the same patient.

See the complete Di²gital Arch catalogue.

Doctors Maher Atari and Eduard Ferrés Amat and the Titansure Active implant surface treatment

Dr. Maher Atari, specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, and Dr. Eduard Ferrés Amat, specialist in Implantology, Periodontics, Regeneration and Implant-Supported Prosthetics, presented the Titansure Active implant surface treatment, which combines our Titansure surface treatment with BBL (Bone Bioactive Liquid) technology.

Thanks to this surface treatment, our implants achieve optimal osseointegration significantly faster.

See the Titansure Active brochure and discover the benefits of its application in our Galaxy conical connection implant.

Dr. David Suárez Quintanilla and DSQ orthodontic micro-implants 

Dr David Suárez Quintanilla, a specialist in Stomatology and Orthodontics, presented the DSQ orthodontic micro-implants that he has designed and developed in collaboration with Ziacom and detailed all their benefits and possibilities in orthodontic treatments.

These are extra-alveolar (DSQst) and interalveolar (DSQcr) temporary anchorage devices that allow movements limited to one or more teeth or in search of a general effect on the arch.

See the full DSQ catalogue.

Thanks to all who made Expodental 2022 such a special edition, see you at the next one!

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