Home > Ziacom world > Interviews > Interview with Dr Maher Atari: what is BBL (Bone Bioactive Liquid)

Dr. Maher Atari, head of the Biointelligence Systems research group and together with Ziacom, developer of Bone Bioactive Liquid, one of the main components of the Titansure Active surface treatment, tells us what this innovative discovery consists of and its role in the Titansure Active surface treatment.

Atari, a specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, is Director of the Regenerative Medicine Research Institute at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, where he is also a professor and principal investigator. He graduated in Medicine and Stomatology and subsequently completed a master’s degree in Oral Surgery and Implantology and a postgraduate degree in Integrated Dentistry for Adults.

What is BBL technology?

BBL is a technology, a liquid, which contains different types of salts treated in a special way. It also contains water, which has been subjected to a special treatment that includes an electrical charge.

The main function of this technology is to make the bone tissue adhere much more strongly to the titanium surface of the implant.

What are the benefits of Titansure Active in implant treatments?

It provides a lot of things, as it increases the bonding of the bone tissue on the titanium to make it stronger and much faster.

In all the clinical studies we have conducted, we have seen that there is quite complete bone growth in a month, a month and a half, after the implant has been placed.

We also noticed something interesting in the post-operative period, was that the patient does not have as much pain as can occur in cases where this surface treatment is dispensed.

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